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Oracle Database Quick Installation Guide. Quick Installation Guide. Release 1 1. 2. 1for Oracle Solaris on SPARC 6. BitE5. 51. 00 0. July 2. This guide describes how to quickly install Oracle Database 1. Release 1 1. 2. 1 for Oracle Solaris on SPARC 6. Design. IBM Notes is a clientserver crossplatform application runtime environment that provides an interface to the IBM Notes and Domino software. View and Download IBM Power Systems E870 technical overview and introduction online. Power Systems E870 Server pdf manual download. RPG is a highlevel programming language HLL for business applications. RPG is an IBM proprietary programming language and its later versions are available only on. Solution 51 To correct the problem, you must make sure the Viewer has readwrite access to certain registry keys. The Viewer requires readwrite access to the. Bit systems. It includes information about the following 1 Reviewing Information About This Guide. This guide describes how to install Oracle Database by using the default installation options. Tasks Described in This Guide. The procedures in this guide describe how to Configure your system to support Oracle Database. Install Oracle Database on a local file system by using the Typical Installation option. Configure a general purpose Oracle Database installation that uses the local file system for database file storage. Results of a Successful Installation. After you successfully install Oracle Database The database that you created and the default Oracle Net listener process run on the system. Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express runs on the system and can be accessed using a web browser. Tasks Not Described in This Guide. This guide covers the Typical Installation scenario and does not describe how to complete the following tasks Using the Advanced Installation option to install the software. Installing the software on a system that has an existing Oracle software installation. Installing Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Real Application Clusters on a cluster. Setting UDP and TCP kernel parameters manually. Using alternative storage options such as Oracle Automatic Storage Management. Installing and configuring Oracle Grid Infrastructure. Where to Get Additional Installation Information. For more information about installing Oracle Database, including information about the tasks not described in this guide, refer to one of the following guides The product documentation for Oracle Database products is available in both HTML and PDF formats online http docs. Logging In to the System as root. DataDirect broad range of drivers provide instant access to any data source providing faster time to market and enabling a broader customer set. Does anyone knows of a reliable link to download Oracle client 9i for a 64bit machine with OS Windows 7. The version in my possession have compatibility. During installation, you must perform tasks as root or as other users on remote terminals. Complete the following procedure for user accounts that you want to enable for remote display. Note. If you log in as another user for example, grid, then repeat this procedure for that user as well. To log in as the root user and enable remote display, complete one of the following procedures If you are installing the software from an X Window System workstation or X terminal, then Start a new X terminal session xterm. If you are installing the software on another system and using the system as an X1. X applications on the local X server. Remote. Hostwhere Remote. Host is the fully qualified remote host name. For example. xhost somehost. If you are not installing the software on the local system, then use the ssh, rlogin, or telnet command to connect to the system where you want to install the software. Y Remote. Host. If you are not logged in as the root user, then enter the following command to switch the user to root. To install the software from a PC or other system with X server software Note. If necessary, see the X server documentation, or contact your X server vendor or system administrator for more information about completing this procedure. Depending on the X server software that you are using, you may have to complete the tasks in a different order. Start the X Window System software. Configure the security settings of the X Window System software to permit remote hosts to display X applications on the local system. Connect to the remote system where you want to install the software as the oracle software installation owner oracle and start an X terminal session xterm on that system. Open another terminal on the remote system, and log in as the root user on the remote system, so you can run scripts as root when prompted. Configuring Servers for Oracle Database. This section describes the following operating system tasks you must complete before you install Oracle Database 3. Checking Server Hardware and Memory Configuration. Run the following commands to check your current system information To determine the available RAM and swap space, enter the following command to obtain the system activity report. If the size of the physical RAM installed in the system is less than the required size, then install more memory before continuing. To determine the size of the configured swap space, enter the following command. If necessary, see your operating system documentation for information about how to configure additional swap space. Note. Review your Oracle Solaris documentation for swap space allocation guidance for your server. The Oracle Solaris documentation guidelines supersede the swap space requirements listed in this guide. To determine the amount of space available in the tmp directory, enter the following command. The df k command displays disk space in 1 kilobyte blocks. On most systems, you can use the df command with the h flag df h to display output in human readable format. If the free space available in the tmp directory is less than what is required, then complete one of the following steps Delete unnecessary files from the tmp directory to meet the disk space requirement. Set the TMP and TMPDIR environment variables when setting the oracle users environment. Extend the file system that contains the tmp directory. To determine the amount of free disk space on the system, enter one of the following commands. To determine the RAM size, enter the following command. Memory size. To determine if the system architecture can run the Oracle software, enter the following command. This command displays the processor type. The following is the expected output of this command Oracle Solaris on SPARC 6. Bit. 6. 4 bit sparcv. If you do not see the expected output, then you cannot install the software on this system. Obtain the correct software for your system architecture before proceeding further. General Server Minimum Requirements. Ensure the following general minimum requirements on your system Ensure that the system is started with run level 3. Ensure display cards provide at least 1. Oracle Universal Installer displays correctly while performing a system console based installation. Server Storage Minimum Requirements. Drivers Notebook Philco. Ensure that your Oracle Solaris system meets the following storage requirements Ensure that your Oracle Solaris system meets the disk space requirement for software files as described in Table 1. Table 1 Disk Space Requirements for Software Files on Oracle Solaris on SPARC 6. Fisher Price Ready For School Kindergarten Game. BitInstallation Type. Disk Space. Enterprise Edition. GBStandard Edition. GBStandard Edition One. GBStandard Edition 2. GB1 GB of space in the tmp directory. If the free space available in the tmp directory is less than what is required, then complete one of the following steps Delete unnecessary files from the tmp directory to meet the disk space requirement. Set the TMP and TMPDIR environment variables when setting the oracle users environment. Extend the file system that contains the tmp directory. Server Memory Minimum Requirements. Ensure that your Oracle Solaris system meets the following memory requirements Minimum 1 GB of RAMRecommended 2 GB of RAM or more. Table 2 describes the relationship between the installed RAM and the configured swap space recommendation Table 2 Swap Space Requirement for Oracle Solaris. RAMSwap Space. Between 1 GB and 2 GB1. RAMBetween 2 GB and 1. GBEqual to the size of RAMMore than 1. IBM RPG Wikipedia. RPGReport Program Generator. Paradigm. Multi paradigm. Developer. IBMFirst appeared. Stable release. RPG IV version 7 release 2 May 2, 2. Typing discipline. Strong, static. OSCPF, SSP, OS4. IBM i, OSVS1, zOS, DOSVSE, VSESP, VSEESA, zVSE, VS9, PRIMOS, Open. VMS, Wang VS, Burroughs MCP, Windows. Dialects. RPG, RPG II, RPG III, RPG 4. RPG IV, RPGILE RPGFree, Baby3. Baby4. 00, Lattice RPGInfluenced by. PAC, FARGOInfluenced. RPG IIRPG is a high level programming language HLL for business applications. RPG is an IBM proprietary programming language and its later versions are available only on IBM i or OS4. It has a long history, having been developed by IBM in 1. Report Program Generator a tool to replicate punched card processing on the IBM 1. RPG II for the IBM System3 in the late 1. HLL equivalent to COBOL and PLI. It remains a popular programming language on the IBM i operating system, which runs on IBM Power i platform hardware. The current version, RPG IV a. ILE RPG, provides a modern programming environment. OvervieweditAn RPG program once typically started off with File Specifications, listing all files being written to, read from or updated, followed by Data Definition Specifications containing program elements such as Data Structures and dimensional arrays, much like a Working Storage section of a COBOL program or var statements in Pascal. This is followed by Calculation Specifications, which contain the executable instructions. Output Specifications can follow which can be used to determine the layout of other files or reports. Alternatively files, some data structures and reports can be defined externally, mostly eliminating the need to hand code input and output IO specifications. In the early days of RPG, its major strength was known as the program cycle every RPG program executes within an implied loop, which can apply the program to every record of a file. At that time each record individual punched card would be compared to each line in the program, which would act upon the record, or not, based upon whether that line had an indicator turned on or off from a set of logical variables numbered 0. The concept of level breaks and matching records is unique to the RPG II language, and was originally developed with card readers in mind. Since the introduction of the System 3. RPG programmers discontinued use of the cycle in favor of controlling program flow with standard looping constructs, although IBM has continued to provide backward compatibility for the cycle. HistoryeditRPG is one of the few languages created for punched card machines that are still in common use today. This is because the language has evolved considerably over time. It was originally developed by IBM in 1. The name Report Program Generator was descriptive of the purpose of the language generation of reports from data files, including matching record and sub total reports. FARGO Fourteen o one Automatic Report Generation Operation was the predecessor to RPG on the IBM 1. Both languages were intended to facilitate ease of transition for IBM tabulating machine Tab unit record equipment technicians to the then new computers. Tab machine technicians were accustomed to plugging wires into control panels to implement input, output, control and counter operations add, subtract, multiply, divide. Tab machines programs were executed by impulses emitted in a machine cycle hence, FARGO and RPG emulated the notion of the machine cycle with the program cycle. RPG was superior to and rapidly replaced FARGO as the report generator program of choice. The alternative languages generally available at the time were Assembler, COBOL or FORTRAN. COBOL was a natural language like business oriented language and FORTRAN was a language that facilitated mathematical applications. Other languages of the era included ALGOL and Autocoder and a few years later PLI. Assembler and COBOL were more common in mainframe business operations System3. RPG more commonly used by customers who were in transition from tabulating equipment System3. Language evolutioneditRPG II was introduced with the System3 series of computers. It was later used on System3. System3. 4, and System3. RPG II was also available for larger systems including the IBM System3. DOSVSE then VSESP, VSEESA, and zVSE. ICL also produced a version on its VMEK operating system. RPG III was created for the System3. AS4. 00. RPG III significantly departed from the original language, providing modern structured constructs like IF ENDIF blocks, DO loops, and subroutines RPG2 Supported Subroutines. RPG III was also available for larger systems including the IBM System3. OSVS1. It was also available from Unisys for the VS9 operating system running on the UNIVAC Series 9. DERPG or Data Entry RPG was exclusively available on the IBM 5. It was similar to RPG III but lacking external Data Descriptions DDS to describe datafiles like on the System3. Instead, the DDS part had to be included into the RPG source itself. RPG4. 00 was effectively RPG III running on AS4. IBM renamed the RPG compiler as RPG4. RPG III compiler on System3. The rebranding took place to differentiate between the earlier CISC Complex Instruction Set Compiler on the beige boxes to the later, faster RISC Reduced Instruction Set Compiler, usually on the black servers. Virtually all IBM products were rebranded as xxx4. RPG compiler was no exception. RPG III compiled with the RPG4. RPG III language until IBM began development of new operation codes, such as SCAN, CAT and XLATE after several years of AS4. These enhancements to RPG III were not available in the System3. RPG III. RPG IV a. RPGLE or ILE RPG3 was released in 1. OS4. 00. 4 With the release of RPG IV, the RPG name was officially no longer an initialism. RPG IV offered a greater variety of expressions within its Extended Factor 2 Calculation Specification and, later in life, its free format Calculation Specifications and Procedure syntax. RPG IV is the only version of RPG supported by IBM in its long line of successors to the AS4. Series, etc. In 2. OS4. 00 V5. R1, RPG IV offered greater freedom for calculations than offered by the Extended Factor 2 Calculation Specification a free format text capable source entry, as an alternative to the original column dependent source format. The FREE calculation did not require the operation code to be placed in a particular column the operation code is optional for the EVAL and CALLP operations and syntax generally more closely resembles that of mainstream, general purpose programming languages. Until November 2. With the V7. R1 TR7 upgrade to the language, the free and end free calculations are no longer necessary, and the language has finally broken the ties to punched cards. Today, RPG IV is a more robust language. While editing can still be done via SEU, the simple green screen editor even though syntax checking is not supported for features introduced from OS 7. Some of these have included Code4. Visual Age for RPG, which were developed by IBM and promoted by Jon Paris and others. Currently the preferred editing platform is IBMs Websphere Development Studio client, now named RDi Rational Developer for i, which is a customized implementation of Eclipse. Eclipse, and therefore RDi, runs primarily on personal computers and other devices.