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Optimizing Refinery Catalytic Reforming Units with the Use of Simple Robust On line Analyzer Technology. Table of Contents. Introduction. Measurement Made Easy. The Refinery Naphtha Complex with CCR and Integrated Petrochemical Units. On line FT NIR vs Lab Test Method RONSummary. Introduction. This article uses the example of the catalytic reforming unit generally found in a refinery in order to illustrate the options presently available for using simple, robust on line analyzers to deliver useful timely and available process stream quality data in advanced process control. Refinery. Measurement Made Easy. This article first considers the background why optimization of refinery process units is so necessary and so common, and what analytical tools exist to help. The main problem in refining is that, although crude oil refining is a continuous and high volume process with extremely vital raw material and energy costs, it is not steady state. Crude oil feedstocks differ continuously in quality, cost and availability while at the same time refinery products and their markets are extremely dynamic in terms of demand, pricing and specifications. No more missed important software updates UpdateStar 11 lets you stay up to date and secure with the software on your computer. Formation of Dicarbonyl Compounds in Beer during Storage of. The analogical signal was registered directly into the Chemstation software. Fundamentals of Total Worker Health Approaches Essential Elements for Advancing Worker Safety, Health, and WellBeing. Software Program, Version 1. NIOSH Number. SerialNumber. In Offers serial numbers, cracks and keys to convert trial version software to full version for free. Working. This leads to the use of relatively complex whole refinery linear programming LP models in order to manage these changes. Underneath these models, individual process unit Advanced Process Control APC packages need to keep the units on target even though these targets will change and under control. The Refinery Naphtha Complex with CCR and Integrated Petrochemical Units. Considering one specific area within the refinery the naphtha complex, or naphtha conversion area it is possible to see the interaction between many different process units and streams. Key to these process units and streams is the Catalytic Reformer CCR unit. Game Wii Hack Pack 4.3 more. This unit is responsible for taking low value heavy naphtha from the CDU and converts it, after hydro treating, into a higher value high aromatics, high octane feedstock. Note In this article, CCR is used as a generic in order to indicate a catalytic reforming unit. The arguments presented apply mainly to continuous catalytic regeneration reformers, however, they can also be applied to fixed bed units. The questions are what alternatives might there be for naphtha processing or sources of CCR naphtha feeds, and what alternative uses exist for the different unit products Cost, capacity, quality, value demand all change continuously. The above diagram attempts to present a simplified and idealized view of these scenarios. For instance, the reformate product from the CCR is often directed to the gasoline blending pool as a useful high octane blend component, but the high octane value of reformate derives from high aromatics BTX content. This has alternative uses and, based on the price breaks between blended gasoline product and the aromatics unit, diversion as an aromatics unit feed might be determined. Similarly, the straight run naphtha from the CDU, generally hydro treated as CCR feed, might be better used as raw material for the naphtha steam cracker olefins unit, again based on the relative instantaneous profitability of aromatics, gasoline and olefin products. Measurement at some level is essential to process optimization. Measurement yields information which permits the possibility of control. What form this measurement takes is a somewhat more open question, and one subject to considerable debate between those chiefly engineers who like statistics and dislike analyzers, and those chiefly chemists who do not trust anything which is not considered to be a directly traceable analytical result. Ftir Interpretation Guide. CRACKER a PC based simulator for industrial cracking furnaces. CRACKER, a PC based software of thermal cracking furnaces is developed. By using CRACKER. This leads to different approaches to APC APC based on inferential models. Use of a number of basic mass flow, temperature and pressure transmitters. Needs laboratory test data in order to calibrate and maintain the inferential quality estimator. Needs chemical engineering model of unit. APC based on physical analyzers. Use of a number of single property physical analyzers for direct measurement. Icis Chemicals Outlook 2017 Europe. Explore. in benzene imports arriving during the first move towards lighter cracker feedstocks. It is the essential. TDNMR Analysis of Catalytic Cracker Feedstocks. April 16, 2007. Essential Oils Vibrational Frequencies Observed by FTIRATR. Academia. edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. Needs extensive maintenance, training, calibration and spares stockholding. APC based on advanced analyzers. Use of a smaller number of multi stream multi property analyzers. Generally offers significant improvement in precision, speed and reliability. Needs calibration or calibration model development. APC based on actual process stream quality measurements from real analyzers is considered to be superficially attractive but fraught with risk. Historically this approach was hindered by High capital cost. High life cycle costs, limited reliability. Complex operational requirements validation, calibrationLarge infrastructural requirements for installation. Technical advances have led to More robust, simpler, lower cost analyzers. Extensive range of available technologies. Significantly reduced operational and installation demands. The article considers two examples of modern, robust analyzer technologies that have enabled more reliable and easier implementation of APC strategies based on real time process analytical measurement. Long maintenance intervals, low lifecycle costs Fourier Transform Near IR FT NIR analyzers have offered one route in order to deal with part of the problem. Chosen wisely, they provide space technology levels of reliability and uptime quite literally since the technology is normally used in climate sensing satellites. On line FT NIR analyzers presently have an established track record in reliable hydrocarbon stream property measurement in this case RON and BTX in reformate product and PINA in heavy naphtha feed. The second technology refers to a solid state electrochemical sensor based method for observing the hydrogen recyclenet gas stream also critical in CCR operation. ABB Process FT NIR analyzer TALYS ASP4. Ex. ABB Process Hydrogen Analyzer HP3. Typical UOP CCR platforming process unit. Thus, the Catalytic Reforming Unit, whether a CCR, as shown here, or a fixed bed type, takes a heavy naphtha feed and, by catalytic conversion at reasonably high temperatures but fairly low operating pressure, transforms the naphthenes and paraffins to mainly aromatics. The resulting product is an aromatics rich reformate stream, and a hydrogen net gas is produced within the unit and recycled partially. What choices and issues exist for the operation of this unit As earlier indicated, the product of the CCR unit is considered to be more than a potential blend stock for gasoline blending. This is the standard key product, but with different markets, and more complex refineries with extensive heavy oil up conversion, what were earlier seen as CCR byproducts now become vital and hypothetically attractive economic choices. Reforming transforms heavy naphtha into High octane feedstock for gasoline blending. High aromatics BTX feed for petrochemicals. High purity hydrogen suitable for use as hydrocracker make up gas. CCR unit operation provides a surprisingly huge number of degrees of freedom including severity vs. Run for maximum Net Gas. Run for maximum catalyst life time. Run for minimum energy usage. Run for maximum octane barrels. Run for maximum BTX yield. The key operating parameters for the unit will be pressure, severity, catalyst bed temperatures and profiles, which are interlinked and simultaneously affect octane number, aromatics content, yield and BTX spread along with net hydrogen make. Example operating parameter trade offs in CCR operation.