How To Create A Digital Pdf Portfolio
Roberto Blake examines the advantages and disadvantages of a digital and a print portfolio for a designerand how you should present each one. HOW TO Create Your Own Electronic Portfolio based on the 5by5 Model of Electronic Portfolio Development 2000, Helen C. Barrett, Ph. D. Below are the stages in. How to Create Your Own Electronic Portfolio. Create Your Own Electronic Portfolio. Model of Electronic Portfolio. Development2. 00. Helen C. Barrett, Ph. Key Insights In a climate of digital disruption and global market pressures, many manufacturers want to differentiate with new serviceoriented revenue. Online portfolio. In the 21st century web technology has filtered its way into portfolios especially in the digital work place job market. While traditional C. V. D. Below are the stages in developing an electronic portfolio, as explained. Electronic. Portfolios Multimedia Development Portfolio Development The Electronic. Portfolio Development Process. Following each stage are the. Select the link to the appropriate. I. Setting the Portfolio Context. II. The Working Portfolio. III. The Reflective Portfolio. IV. The Connected Portfolio. V. The Presentation Portfolio. Stage 1 Defining the Portfolio Goals and Context. Identify the purpose and audience for the portfolio. Identifty the standards that will be used as the organizing. Identify the computer equipment and software available. How To Create A Digital Pdf Portfolio' title='How To Create A Digital Pdf Portfolio' />Identify the level of technology skills of the portfolio. Select the appropriate portfolio level to begin electronic. Development Software Word Processor. Development Software Database. Power. Point. Hyper. Studio. Development Publishing Software HTML using Netscape Composer or other HTML authoring programsDevelopment Publishing Software Macromedia Director. Set up electronic folders for each standard. You will know you are ready for the next. You have identified the purpose and primary. You have identified the standards or goals. You have selected the development software. Stage 2 The Working Portfolio. Identify the portfolio artifacts examples of your work. You may have artifacts that demonstrate. Collect and store those artifacts in appropriate folders. Interject personality into the portfolio. Use some of the graphics capabilities of the software to. Use appropriate multimedia to add style. You will know you are ready for the next. You have a collection of digital portfolio. You have used the graphics and layout. Red Blue Game Team Building'>Red Blue Game Team Building. It is time to turn this collection into. Stage 3 The Reflective Portfolio. Write general reflective statements on. Select the artifacts that represent achievement. Write reflective statements for each artifact. Preload Package On Site Tool. From the reflections and feedback, set. The portfolio becomes a lifelong. For each performance indicator, write a statement about. Development Software Word Processor. Development Software Database. Power. Point. Hyper. Studio. Development Publishing Software HTML using Netscape Composer or other HTML authoring programsDevelopment Publishing Software Macromedia Director. You will know you are ready for the next. You have selected the artifacts that are. You have written the reflective statements. Stage 4 The Connected Portfolio. Organize the digital artifacts. Select software that allows the creation of hypermedia links between. Identify patterns through the. Convert word processing, database or slide. How to scan in your signature and create an electronic signature from it that you can use to sign documents without printing them out. Portfolio Overview. In early May, students submit actual works of art and digital images of works for their 2D Design portfolios. These works should demonstrate. PDF Level 3or HTML Level 4ANDCreate hypertext links between goals. Insert multimedia artifacts Level 3 amp. Development Software Hyper. Studio. Publishing Software Adobe Acrobat Development Publishing Software HTML using Netscape Composer. Power. Point. Development Publishing Software Macromedia Director. You will know you are ready for the next. Your documents are converted into a format. You can navigate around your document. You have inserted the appropriate multimedia. You are ready to share your portfolio. Stage 5 The Presentation Portfolio. Publishing Tools Zip Disk or Floppy Diskette or Hard Drive or Server. Publishing Tools Videotape. Publishing Tools CD ROMPublishing Tools WWW Server. Publishing Tools Streaming Server. Record the portfolio to an appropriate. Share the portfolios with an appropriate.