Stm32 Discovery Serial Port
In this tutorial well see how to configure and to use the STM32 Nucleo virtual serial port using the STM32Cube framework by ST. List of USB IDs Maintained by Stephen J. Gowdy If you have any new entries, please submit them via http or send. STM8 Tutorial for blinking a LEDUsually the first step toward learning development on a micro controller is simply blinking a LED, as an analog to Hello, world example used on PC programming languages. This time we will have a look into how to start programming and development on STMicroelectronics STM8 series of micro controllers. My Downloads Are Running Slow Windows 7. What you need In order to start, obviously you need a development board of some sort STs STM8 Discovery evaluation board is a good pick, or you can get away with el cheapo chinese boards which are going for around 2 including shipping and obviously a programmer to write your compiled code into the micro controller. STM8. S0. 03. F3 Evaluation Board. For the programmer, you need one that support SWIM Single Wire Interface Module mode. PQ5WzOmqq-k.jpg' alt='Stm32 Discovery Serial Port' title='Stm32 Discovery Serial Port' />You can recommended go with the original debugger of STMicroelectronics which is ST Link V2 you can get this one second hand as low as 2. ST itself. Fake ST Link V2. One more thing that you need, is the development environment and compiler. If you are on Windows, I recommend to get the code size limited version of IAR Embedded Workbench. If you are on linux, things are a bit more complex I will do a separate tutorial for linux as soon as possible. Start the job For this tutorial, I am using an evaluation board which is based on STM8. S0. 03. F3 micro controller. This should not make any difference for all other chips in STM8 series, as long as you know which PIN is your LED or LEDS are connected to. In this case, the LED on my board is connected to Port. D, Bit 3 which reads PD3 on the PCB. The first step is to configure the PD3 pin or whichever pin your LED is connected to. PDODR 0 Turn off all pins. PDDDRDDR3 1 Port. D, Bit 3 is output PD3 Data Direction Register. PDCR1C1. 3 1 Port. D, Control Register 1, Bit 3 PD3 set to Push Pull. I had a different firmware in there, thats why its all lite up Once you plugged in the board it will start looking for driver. If you have installed the STM32. IMG_0038-600x420.jpg' alt='Stm32 Discovery Serial Port' title='Stm32 Discovery Serial Port' />PDCR2C2. Port. D, Control Register 2, Bit 3 PD3 set to Push Pull. PDODR0 Turn off all pins. PDDDRDDR31 Port. D, Bit 3 is output PD3 Data Direction RegisterPDCR1C1. Port. D, Control Register 1, Bit 3 PD3 set to Push Pull. PDCR2C2. 31 Port. D, Control Register 2, Bit 3 PD3 set to Push Pull. The code above configure the PD3 pin Port D, Pin or Bit 3. If your LED is connected to something else, e. PC1, then your code should look like this. PCODR 0 Turn off all pins of Port C. PCDDRDDR1 1 Port. C, Bit 1 is output PC1 Data Direction Register. PCCR1C1. 1 1 Port. C, Control Register 1, Bit 3 PC1 set to Push Pull. PCCR2C2. 1 1 Port. C, Control Register 2, Bit 3 PC1 set to Push Pull. PCODR0 Turn off all pins of Port CPCDDRDDR11 Port. C, Bit 1 is output PC1 Data Direction RegisterPCCR1C1. Port. C, Control Register 1, Bit 3 PC1 set to Push Pull. PCCR2C2. 11 Port. C, Control Register 2, Bit 3 PC1 set to Push Pull. Just compare the two code snippets above, I am sure you will figure out how to change it to work on any port and bit that you like Next, we need a very simple delay function, two insert a pause between ON and OFF state of our LED The above delay, is just a counter which decrements the value you gave to it until it reaches 0. This is a naive delay, and actual time would be based on clock configuration, and how much time the instruction for decrementing the given value and comparing it to 0 would take. But it will suffice for our work today Putting everything together, your main. PDODR 0 Turn off all pins. PDDDRDDR3 1 Port. D, Bit 3 is output PD3 Data Direction Register. PDCR1C1. 3 1 Port. D, Control Register 1, Bit 3 PD3 set to Push Pull. PDCR2C2. 3 1 Port. D, Control Register 2, Bit 3 PD3 set to Push Pull. Turn on and off the output and then delay. PDODRbit. ODR3 PDODRbit. ODR3. PDODR0 Turn off all pins PDDDRDDR31 Port. D, Bit 3 is output PD3 Data Direction Register PDCR1C1. Port. D, Control Register 1, Bit 3 PD3 set to Push Pull PDCR2C2. Port. D, Control Register 2, Bit 3 PD3 set to Push Pull while1 Turn on and off the output and then delay PDODRbit. ODR3 PDODRbit. ODR3 delay3. You notice the include directive on the first line of the code, in this case, it is provided by IAR STM8. Alternatively you can download the full standard library for STM8 from ST website. At the end, you should have a blinking led on your board. If you faced any problem, just let me know in the comments and I will try to help you out. Blinking LED on STM8. S0. 03. F3 Board. For more in depth explanation, jump to Part 2 to learn how to setup a pin as input, to be able to detect button press. Arduino goes STM3. Dont worry be creative. You can develop for STM3. Arduino IDE. Here are the steps What you need STM3. F1. 03. C8. T6 module ARM3. Cortex M3, 7. 2 Mhz, 6. K flash, 2. 0K SRAM, 3. IO pins, 3. 3. V, you can find cheap modules on e. Bay. Serial to USB module 3. V level, e. g. CH3. Steps 1. Wire STM3. Serial to USB module as shown below 2. Download and install Arduino IDE I did use 1. Download https github. ArduinoSTM3. 2, extract it and copy the folder ArduinoSTM3. Arduinohardware folder C ProgramsArduinohardware. Run Arduino IDE, choose settings Board Generic STM3. F1. 03. C seriesVariant STM3. F1. 03. C8 2. 0k RAM, 6. FlashUpload method SerialPort lt the COM port of your USB to serial adapter 5. Compile this sketch define pin. LED PC1. 3. Serial. Modepin. LED, OUTPUT. Serial. printlnSTART. Writepin. LED, HIGH. Writepin. LED, LOW. Serial. printlnHello World. On the board, set BOOT0 to 1 will boot from system memory which contains an UART to flash uploader. Press RESET button. In the Arduino IDE, choose Upload. On the board, the blue LED will start to flash. After upload completed, your sketch will start. If you want your uploaded sketch to boot automatically after next power onreset, set BOOT0 back to 0 will boot from program memory. Press RESET button. Arduino demo code for STM3. F1. 03. C8. T6 1. SPI interfaceinclude SPI. LED PC1. 3. define pin. RST PB0. define pin. IRQ PB1. define pin. SPISS PA4. define pin. SPICLK PA5. define pin. SPIMISO PA6. define pin. SPIMOSI PA7. volatile int irq. Counter 0. int last. Irq. Counter 0. IRQ. Counter. Modepin. LED, OUTPUT. Modepin. SPISS, OUTPUT. Modepin. Sandals Endless Summer Rar. RST, OUTPUT. Modepin. IRQ, INPUT. Serial. Serial. printlnSTART. Interruptpin. IRQ, handle. IRQ, RISING. Initializes the SPI bus by setting SCK, MOSI, and SS to outputs, pulling SCK and MOSI low, and SS high. SPI. begin. digital. Writepin. RST, LOW. Writepin. RST, HIGH. Test. unsigned long msg 0. SPI. begin. TransactionSPISettings1. L, MSBFIRST, SPIMODE0. Writepin. SPISS, LOW. SPI. transfer0x. SPI. SPI. transfer0x. SPI. SPI. transfer0x. Writepin. SPISS, HIGH. SPI. Transaction. Serial. HEX. Writepin. LED, HIGH. Writepin. LED, LOW. Counter last. Irq. Counter. Serial. Counter. Irq. Counter irq. Counter. I2. C interface include lt Wire. OLEDaddress 0x. C. SDA PB4. SCL PB5. Two. Wire My. Wirepin. SCL, pin. SDA. My. Wire. begin. TransmissionOLEDaddress start transmission to device. My. Wire. write0x. My. Wire. write0 send value to write. My. Wire. end. Transmission end transmission.